It has been discussed in the previous blog that Allah Almighty created Adam and created for him his wife, Hawwa, and made them live in Paradise. Then, Adam disobeyed His Lord and later sought for His forgiveness. Allah then accepted his repentance and guided him.
Allah then ordered him to go out of the Paradise and descend unto the earth. Allah, glory be to Him, has in that, a wisdom which human intelligence cannot perceive and which their tongues cannot describe. We are going to mention here some of those pearls of wisdom and underlying reasons.
Purpose of Creation and Wisdom of Worldly Trials
Firstly, Allah created the creation for His worship. That is the purpose of making them. He says: “And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship me.” (Holy Quran 51:56)
It is also known that the perfection of the worship required of man can not take in the abode of bliss and eternity but in the abode of trials and tribulation. The abode of eternity is that of bliss, not that of examination and commandments.
Secondly, Allah wanted to take among mankind Prophets, Messengers, friends, and martyrs whom He would love and who would love Him. He then left them alone with his enemies and put them on trial with them.
So, when they preferred Him above all other things and sacrificed their lives and properties to gain His pleasure and love, they attained that love and joy that they could not have achieved without that initially. So, the status of prophethood and martyrdom is of the best degrees before Allah and could not have attained that except by the way decreed by Allah that Adam and his offspring had to descend to the earth.
Thirdly, Allah is the only True and Evident King. The King is the one who commands and forbids; rewards and punishes; disgraces and honors; strengthens and debases. Allah’s sovereignty therefore necessitates that He sends Adam and his offspring to an abode in which the rules of sovereignty will be implemented on them and then move them to an abode where there is a reward for all that they did.
Manifestation of Allah's Sovereignty and Beautiful Names
Allah created Adam from a handful of all soils of the earth, and there is good and bad and low and high in the land. Allah knows that there are among the children of Adam, those who are unsuitable to stay with Him in House, therefore, He made Adam descend to an abode where He distinguishes between the good and bad ones. Then, Allah chose for them two distinct abodes: He made good ones dwellers of His Abode (made them enter Paradise) and made the bad ones dwellers of the abode of misery (Hellfire).
To Allah belong the beautiful Names. Among His names are Al-Ghafoor (the Oft-Forgiving). Ar-Raheem (the Most-Gracious), Al-Afuww (Oft-Pardoning), Al-Haleem (Most-Forbearing). Since the impacts of these names must manifest, the Wisdom of Allah necessitates that Adam and his children must descend to an abode where the impacts of the Beautiful Names of Allah could materialize on them.
So that He might forgive whoever He wills, have mercy on whomever He wills, pardon whosoever He wills, and forbear for whosoever He wills, and other different ways in which His Names and Attributes can be manifested.
Allah created Adam and his children from a composition that is naturally inclined to good and evil, responsive to the causes of lusts and temptations and the causes of reason and knowledge. He created in his reason and lust and created in both necessary factors so that His Will might be accomplished and that He might show to his slaves His greatness in Wisdom, Might and Mercy, Kindness, and Benevolence in His Authority and Sovereignty.
He then, out of His Wisdom sent Adam and his children to the earth so that the test might take place therein and impact man’s preparedness for these factors, and his responsiveness to them might become manifest, and Allah may then use that basis to award honor or disgrace to whom it is due.
Ultimate Return to Paradise and Belief in the Unseen
Also, another important factor is belief in the Unseen. As for the belief in the seen, everyone will believe on the Day of Resurrection. If people were created in the abode of Bliss (Paradise), they would not have attained the degree of belief in the Unseen that ends in enjoyment and honor. It is for this reason that Allah sent them to the abode in which they could attain an opportunity to believe in the Unseen.
Allah wants by that, to show His slaves on whom He has bestowed His favor, the perfection of that favor and its greatness so that they might thank God and love Him the most and have the fullest enjoyment of the bliss which He has bestowed on them so that their joy might increase.
This is an aspect of completing His favors on them. Therefore, to make them achieve all this, He must send them to the earth, put them to test, and then make whosoever He wills to succeed out of mercy and kindness from Him, and disgracer whosoever He wills among them out of His wisdom and justice, for He is All-Knower, All-Wise.
Last but not least, Allah wants Adam and his children to go back to Paradise while they are in the best state. So, before they enter it, He wants to make them taste the hardship, sorrow, and distress of the world so that the value of entering Paradise in the Hereafter will be great in their estimation, for it is the opposite of an object that shows its beauty.