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The Truth about Christianity

Writer's picture: Hamza NasirHamza Nasir

It's not normal. Your heart has been beating throughout your life from the moment you were born and it doesn't need to be jumpstarted or plugged into a battery. See the sky and how it is arranged! Every building has a roof and something is holding it up. Nothing is holding up the sky. Your kidneys are doing over 200 functions every three seconds to keep your body clean and free from toxins. Who did that? So many things that appear to us as normal in the daily facets of existence are not normal but actually phenomenal. It's all a gift from God Almighty!

A child once asks his dad "What's above us?". The father replies that it is the sky aka atmosphere. The kid then asks what is above the atmosphere. The response is outer space. What's above outer space? Daddy is beginning to get exasperated and curtly replies 'a galaxy'. What's above the galaxy? A set of parallel galaxies? What's above it? To which the father replies that he doesn't know! And that's the bewildering thing. At a certain point, our imagination hits a bound. The fact that man, despite all his intellect and creativity, never seems obliged to uncover the ultimate answers and secrets and truths behind creation, is shocking, to say the least. One of the most self-destructive traits that an individual can perhaps possess is the illusion of knowledge. The first step towards knowledge is to admit your ignorance and then dig for a solution to the problems and attain knowledge that satisfies you to the core of your existence.

As established in the previous blogs, we provided logical and rational arguments for the existence of God as well as made a solid case for the authenticity of the Holy Quran. Christianity is in shambles, honestly. The faith is devoid of a central control mechanism, having abandoned the pope as a principal doctrine and directory figure and nullifying the teachings of the so-called Holy Bible. To quote George Bernard Shaw, Christianity might be good if anyone ever tried it. Today, we delve into the truth about Christianity and shed light on various factors that led to the corruption and pollution of the divine religion and the plantation of false doctrines in it. My intention is not to mock or vilify any religion. I studied in a Christian missionary school myself and have massive respect for people of the book. Therefore, I implore the reader to read till the end of this article with an open mind without harboring any preconceived notions in order to understand the reality of the matter.

"For every era is a Scripture". (Holy Quran 13:38)

This world is nothing more than a testing arena for us human beings (and jinn). The ones who emerge successful will be elevated to Paradise whereas those having failed this mega trial will be consigned to the waste bin of history. Guidance has always been sent by the Almighty Creator for every nation and every generation throughout history to pass the test from the time of Adam till now. However, that does not constitute the entire picture. There is an evil force out there that has left no stone unturned to destroy mankind and divert them from the straight path of success. It tries to make a false picture of the truth. The Truth that comes from God. It achieves this in two ways-construction of false religions and the manipulation of divine religions. This is the ultimate goal of Iblis. Just to clarify, Iblis (known as Lucifer in Christianity) is the primordial enemy of God and his faithful servants who refused to bow down to Adam, hence leading the rebellion against the Almighty. As Muslims, we believe that he was of the Jinn (entities made of smokeless fire) and not a fallen angel since angels lack free will and don't have the ability to commit sin or disobey God. The agenda of Iblis is to make people worship anyone and anything except the true God. Most importantly, he gets them to worship Jinn, Fire, and the Sun (which is again fire) as he believes that the Jinn are superior to human beings.

Throughout history, devils of the Jinn deceived people to accept them as their deities with different names, including but not limited to Annunaki (also known as People of Sky), Serpant Gods, Anubies, Hindu demon deities, archons, Baphomet, and Aliens. Since ancient times, religions have been used for gaining power and ruling over society. Kingdoms wielded them as gripping tools for presiding over the nations, deluding people, and earning vows and gifts from them in order to fulfill their own desires. As mentioned above, true guidance was always sent from the Creator to the people from time to time and people kept changing the revelations and every time that happened, God sent them an updated version of the message of pure monotheism. Indeed, Christianity was also one of those divine religions which were later changed.

But why did the monotheistic religion of Christianity change and how is paganism incorporated into it? The ruling authorities and the socio-geographical issues were the main reasons. When people were invited to Christianity, the first rejection came from the Jewish people who denied Jesus (PBUH) as the True Messenger of God. Within 200 years after it began, Christianity abandoned many of the teachings of Jesus (PBUH), being heavily influenced by Greek and Roman Paganism, Zoroastrianism, and beliefs that go back to the time of Nimrod (Namrood). Christianity turned away from most of its Hebraic foundation. Christmas and other holidays like Easter and Halloween were adopted in favor of the original Hebraic days of worship.

To be honest, the rabbit hole goes much deeper and the Church does not want you to know the truth. From what the Messiah looked like to the very names he was called, what you have been taught all your life is almost entirely wrong. Let's venture into some of the mainstream beliefs of Christianity to see how pagan concepts are being merged with them.

1) Christmas and The Birth of Jesus (PBUH)

From the early part of the Christian era, in Southern Europe, where the major ceremonies held by the nature-worshipping people are combined with Christian names and Christian ceremonies, and therefore what comes to us Is a cocktail of the two streams, where you get a monotheistic name or a monotheistic character with a pagan ceremony that is contributing to the present day holidays. Maryam (May Allah be pleased with Her) was a virgin who had dedicated her life to the worship of one God and indulged in prayer and fasting. By the power and will of God, she conceived Jesus (PBUH) without a father. That is a mainstream belief in Islam. When she felt the pain of the pregnancy, an angel of the Lord came to her and told her to venture outside the city to a remote area where she found a palm tree and water and it was speaking about a type of rutab dates. It is at the height of the heat that the dates become ripe and so it is at that time she gave birth to Isa (AS) aka Jesus (PBUH). In the Christian traditions, they have this belief that the shepherds were tending their flocks outside, and in Palestine, you cannot keep your flocks outside in the winter time, in the evening since it's cool. Plus, it was also the time of the taxes in the North. Hence, on account of these various schools of thought, we infer that Jesus (PBUH) was born in warm weather. So who was it that was born in the winter season?

Long before the advent of Christianity, December 25th was a time dedicated to the Sun. The Romans were observing these solar festivals. The first was in the honor of their god Saturn known as Saturnalia. The second was in the honor of Mithra and the third one was the feast of Sol Invictus ( a day observed by Emperor Constantine). In 274 CE, Rome established December 25th as the birthday of the Sun. Unable to remove this influence, the Church adopted this day as the SUN of Righteousness. But why? Well, during the winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the days become shorter and the nights become longer because the Sun moves towards Southern Hemisphere. On the 21st of December, the Northern Hemisphere will sink into its deepest point of darkness because it is the longest night of the year. The Sun stops moving South at least perceivable for 3 days and during this 3-day pause, the Sun resides in the vicinity of the Southern Cross or Crux Constellation.

After this time, on December 25th, the Sun moves 1 degree this time North. Therefore, the people of the Northern Hemisphere consider this moving of the Sun (towards the North) as the rise/birth of the Sun-God (Baal, Horus, Apollo). All these were the Sun Gods worshipped in the Mediterranean region. So, when the people in that precinct were Christianized, they accepted that birthday of the Sun as the birth of the "Son of God". [SON OF GOD= SUN OF GOD=SUN GOD]

Therefore, the 25th of December is not the birthday of Jesus (PBUH)

Christmas was illegal in the US until 1836 as it was considered an ancient pagan holiday. Afterward, it was infiltrated into Christianity as a result of the efforts of the Hands behind the Governments. To quote George Bernard Shaw, Christmas was forced on a reluctant and disgusted nation by the shopkeepers and the press: on its own merits it would wither and shrivel in the fiery breath of universal hatred, and anyone who looked back to it would be turned into a pillar of greasy sausages. Since most Christians are not aware of this deception, they unconsciously worship the Sun God. They choose to go to the church on Sunday (the day of the worship of the Sun)

2) Holifying of Obelisks

Obelisks are monuments that were made in the honor of Sun God RA as a gratification for his protection, victories given to Pharaohs, and asking for favors. They look like Egyptian pyramids and symbolize the sun's rays descending on Earth. But why do we see them in front of Churches today? The answer is that paganism crept into Christianity.

3) The Concept of the Trinity

Let us briefly discuss this though the upcoming blog will feature a detailed discussion and deconstruction of the Trinity doctrine. Trinity is a pagan concept that has been developed in Christianity over the coming centuries by which the Christians claim that God manifests as three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So, let's compare the idea with the ancient pagan religions. The Babylonians worshiped the trinity of Nanna, Shamash, and Ishtar. The ancient Egyptians had the trinity of Amun, Ra, and Ptah. Hindus believe in the trinity doctrine in which the supreme deity Brahman appeared in three forms: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Greeks believed in Hekate, a three-headed Goddess of night and magic. The tribes of Northwestern Europe worshipped a group of three female deities, known as Matronae, meaning Matrons. The Persians believed in the triad of Ahura Mazda, Mitra, and Anahita.

4) The Origin of Easter

Easter has derived its origin from the Anglo-Saxon. Easter or Estera, is a teutonic Goddess of spring to whom the sacrifice was offered at Passover Time, a time when the Sun crosses the Equator. and day and night are nearly of equal length. Her symbols are rabbit and egg which has no connection to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Today, we see that Christians celebrate this day with the same traditions without understanding its origin. This pagan festival was indoctrinated into Christianity somewhere in the 8th century.

5) Similarity between Cross and Ankh

Ankh was used as a symbol of resurrection at the time of Pharaoh same as the cross which is known as the symbol of resurrection for the Christians

There are so many other infiltrations of paganism into Christianity but these were some of the major infiltrations that have changed the monotheistic belief of Christianity and turned it into a pagan belief system.

Dear Christian Readers! I respect and believe in the pure teachings of Christianity and we love Jesus (PBUH) as one of the mighty and glorious messengers of Allah [SWT]. However, these teachings have been distorted and the version of Christianity today is nothing more but a watered-down, false construct of the Abrahamic faith. I know how difficult it is for an individual who has been told lies throughout his entire life to face the truth. To conclude, I simply request you all ladies and gentlemen to do your own research and learn how the pure teachings of the monotheistic religion of Christianity are changed due to the efforts of Satan and his army. Thank you and Assalamalaikum!

PS: Massive credit to the "Rational Believer" youtube channel for helping me in conducting my research on the respective topic

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Rukhsana Tariq
Rukhsana Tariq
Jul 12, 2024

Well written . Main idea is brilliant .

Hearth touching


Apr 23, 2023



Mohammad Hamza Nasir

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