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Status of Women in Islam-Part Three

Writer's picture: Hamza NasirHamza Nasir

Why can only a Man marry a non-Muslim?

This is a good example of how much Islam cares for women. It allows a Musli to marry a woman from among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians). Allah Almighty says:

“Made lawful to you this day all good things. The food of the People of the Book is lawful to you (except when specially mentioned as forbidden, such as swine). Your food is lawful to them, and the chaste women from the people who received the scriptures before you, if you pay their dowry and take them in legal wedlock, not illegally or as concubines (girlfriends).” (Holy Quran 5:5)

This is perhaps due to two reasons. Firstly, Judaism and Christianity are the early versions of Islam. Both religions were referred to in the Holy Quran as Islam or some of its derivations. Accordingly, the Muslim husband partially respects his wife’s religion, which in turn prevents him from humiliating her or forcing her to change her faith. This same fact made marriage to an atheist, or a pagan forbidden for a Muslim, because Islam completely contradicts atheism and paganism. This fact is likely to jeopardize the marriage bond sooner or later.

Secondly, Islam guarantees the wife’s rights as part of the Divine law, which is not subject to change, and it is binding on the Muslim husband. It guarantees the spouse’s freedom of religion. As far as the non-Muslim husband is concerned, he is either not committed to any religion that has obligatory laws, that preserve the wife’s rights, or he follows some man-made laws, which could be wrong and subject to change.

Indeed, if we look closely at the laws concerning wife’s rights in the secular systems, we will find many contradictions and ongoing changes. Under all circumstances, there is no guarantee of freedom of belief or worship for a Muslim woman if she marries a non-Muslim person.

Why a Man Can Marry up to Four Wives?

The issue of Islam permitting a man to marry up to four wives provided that he is fair to them all was looked at as a negative thing, especially from the women’s perspective.  But what are the facts? Allah SWT says:

“Marry of your choice two or three or four, but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal with them justly, then only one.” (Holy Quran 4:3)

Not only that but Allah warns: “You will never be able to show perfect justice between wives, so do not incline too much to one of them.” (Holy Quran 4:3)

However, looking at this issue with an open mind, especially the unmarried females will find it not only a positive law but a Divine gift for many reasons. Firstly, it is obvious that females outnumber males in the world. This means if we have only one wife for a man, then there will be no chance for any woman to get married.

Secondly, it is a divine gift because if the chance for a female to get married is one, by allowing men to marry up to four, her chance of marriage will be fourfold. A female may say that she does not need this opportunity. It is alright for her to say that, but she should remember that no one can force her to take it, and the opportunity is there, in case she needs it.

Thirdly, to share a husband with other wives and to have clear-cut moral and legal rights along with the chance for safely satisfying sexual and motherhood inclinations is better than to have none of these. It is also better than to express the sexual instinct illegally, not only to be deprived of many advantages a married woman has but also to be burdened with numerous responsibilities. In addition to that, she will also be more subject to humiliation and exploitation by men.

As far as married women are concerned, it is natural that they may cast a scornful look at this kind of law, at first. But is it that bad? I assume we agreed that without this permission of polygamy, there would be more unmarried women. This means that unmarried women will compete harder to get married, even at the expense of getting a married woman divorced.

Many women recognize that the secret, illegal relations are threatening many families that previously used to be peaceful nests for married couples. Therefore, allowing men to marry more than one woman will help the married women to keep their husbands and homes better.

Related to this issue also, a woman may ask why she is not allowed to marry more than one man. The question at first glance seems logical but to be realistic, let us ask what women would gain from such an opportunity if it were to present itself. Would it in the long run- secure her a man who will be next to her when she needs him, especially if she has no money or when she becomes sick? Would it secure her a responsible husband and a responsible father for her children?

The most probable answer is a big NO. One of the major reasons for this answer is that this kind of opportunity is a good chance for men to relieve themselves from the responsibility of being fathers and to hang this responsibility on the mother’s shoulder.

Why are Women Not Allowed to Drive in Some Countries?

Departing from the fact that the correct Islamic legal opinion is a result of a perfect interaction between the texts of the Holy Quran and the authentic Prophetic traditions, on one hand, and the diagnosis of the reality in many cases, we can assure the reader that Islam does not prohibit, nor does it encourage women to drive cars. The whole question depends on the environment in which women live.

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for example, women tend to apply the maximum limits of veiling to cover their complete face or only reveal their eyes, and the society in Saudi Arabia also prefers that kind of hijab and demands that from the females. In this kind of environment, it seems better for a woman not to drive herself, especially if she is alone. This tendency goes in harmony with the natural tendency of many people, including men who like to have the luxury of having a driver to take them around, if this luxury does not cost them too much.

In other environments, women prefer observing the minimum limit of hijab, revealing the whole face, and wearing Islamic clothes that do not reveal except the necessary parts of her body. In this environment, though, some prefer to drive themselves, but still many like to have the luxury of having someone to drive the car for them if it does not cost too much.

Why Hijab for Women?

Hijab means that an adult female wears unrevealing clothes, to cover her body from head to toe. As we have already mentioned, some scholars consider covering the face as not compulsory while others do. Many non-Muslim females look at hijab as a negative thing. I said non-Muslim female because a Muslim woman should recognize that this is the command of Allah and she has to abide by it if she is sincere to avoid the wrath of Allah. However, if we look at it carefully, these objecting women may change their opinions.

On one hand, the hijab is a means of protection through modesty. It functions as a psychological barrier between the female and the others, especially men. It is like the military uniform, to dress extravagantly, having a driver, a guard, or a secretary. They give an air of respect, which provides a person with some kind of protection from being bothered. On the other hand, unrevealing most of her body makes her most precious to men and remote to reach, except through a marriage bond that preserves her rights and self-respect.


To conclude our discussion of women’s status in Islam, let us always remember to differentiate between Islam and Muslims’ practice of Islam, which may vary greatly from the Islamic teachings. Indeed, they are two different things.  After all, let us ask a wise Muslim female, “Does she prefer the Western equity provided that she gives up her privileges granted by Islam?”

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1 commentaire

03 oct. 2024

Beautiful description of woman in Islam . Loved the concept and topic


Mohammad Hamza Nasir

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