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General Criteria Of The True Religion

Writer's picture: Hamza NasirHamza Nasir

The Foundation of Belief: Inherited Traditions vs. Divine Revelation

Every adherent of a creed believes that his creed is the true one, and all followers of a religion believe that their religion is the ideal one and the most upright path. When you ask the followers of adulterated religions or followers of man-made creeds about the proof for their belief, they argue that they found their fathers on a faith and are just following their paths.

They then relate narrations and stories whose chains of transmitters are not sound and whose texts are not free from faults and defects. They only depend on inherited books whose authors, recorders, and even their original languages and their sources are unknown. They are only mixed-up stories concocted together, magnified, and inherited generation after generation without any scholastic verification of their chains of transmitters and precise checking of their texts.

These unknown books, narrations, and blind imitations cannot be taken as evidence in matters of religion and beliefs. Or is it possible that all these adulterated religions and man-made creeds are true or false? It is impossible that these religions are true, for truth is only one and cannot be numerous. It is also impossible that all these adulterated religions and man-made beliefs are all from Allah and therefore true.

Then, since there are multiple religions and the truth is only one, which of them is the true religion? They should, thus, be criteria for distinguishing the true religion from the false. If we find that these criteria fit a religion, we know that it is the true religion. When all or one of these criteria is lacking in any religion, we know that is a false religion.

Criterion for Identifying the True Religion

Let us now examine the various criteria by which we distinguish the true religion from the false ones. Firstly, the religion must be from God Almighty, revelated through an angel to one of his Messengers to convey it to mankind. For the true religion is Allah’s and it is He who will recompense His slaves and take them to reckoning on the Day of Resurrection concerning the religion that He revealed to them.

The Lord says: “Verily, we have sent the revelation to you (O Muhammad) as We sent the revelation to Noah and the Prophets after him; We also sent the revelation to Abraham, Ishmael, Issac, Jacob, and Al-Asbaat (the offspring of the twelve sons of Jacob), Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon and to David We gave the Psalms.” (Holy Quran 4:163)

“And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Muhammad) but We revealed to him (saying): none has the right to be worshipped but Me. So, worship Me.” (Holy Quran 21:25)

Based on the above verses and criteria, any religion that is brought by any man and attributed to himself and not to Allah is a false religion.

Secondly, the religion should call to the worship of Allah alone; and should prohibit Shirk (polytheism of any form) and all that can lead to it. This is because the call to the oneness of God is the primary mission of all Prophets and Messengers. Every Prophet told his people: “Worship Allah! You have no other god but Him.” (Holy Quran 7:73)

The third criterion is that the religion should agree with the principles unto which all the Messengers call their people which are to worship Allah alone and to avoid polytheism, unruliness to parents, killing of a person unjustly, and all other immoral things, be they hidden or apparent.

Allah says: “Say (O Muhammad): Come I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty provide sustenance for you and them; come not near to Al-Fawaahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly; and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause according to Islamic law. This He has commanded you that you may understand.” (Holy Quran 6:151)

God Almighty also says: “And ask (O Muhammad) those of our Messengers whom We sent before you: ‘Did we ever appoint gods to be worshipped besides the Most-Gracious Allah?’” (Holy Quran 43:45)

Fourthly, it should not be self-contradicting by commanding a matter and contradicting it by another. It should also not forbid something and then allow what is similar to it without any reason or prohibit something for some group and permit it for others. Allah Almighty says: “Do they not consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many contradictions.” (Holy Quran 4:82)

The fifth note is that religion should include what can preserve for people, their religion, honor, properties, lives, and offspring through its commandments, prohibitions, deterrents, and morals that it ordains to protect these five general factors.

The Ultimate Purpose of Religion: Guidance, Mercy, and Truth

The sixth criterion is that it should serve as a mercy for mankind and save them from their injustices and the injustices they commit against one another through usurping others’ rights and the general amenities or through misleading the weak at the hands of the strong.

Allah says while explaining the mercy that the Torah which was given to Prophet Musa entails: “And when the anger of Musa was calmed down, He took up the tablets; and in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who fear their Lord.” (Holy Quran 7:154)

Allah Almighty informs us about the message of Prophet Isa (Jesus): “And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us.” (Holy Quran 19:21)

God Almighty says about Prophet Salih: “He said: O my people: Tell me, if I am (acting) on a clear proof from my Lord, and there has come to me mercy (Prophethood) from Him, who will save me from Allah if I disobey Him? (Holy Quran 11:63)

The Lord remarks about the Quran: “And We send down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe.” (Holy Quran 17:82)

The seventh criterion is that it should entail guidance to the Law of Allah and teach man the intention of Allah by that Law. It should also be able to tell man his origin and his final destination.

  • Allah Almighty says about the Torah: “Verily, we did send down the Torah, therein was guidance and light.” (Holy Quran 5:44)

  • He says about the Injeel (the book given to Isa): “And We gave him the Injeel, in which was guidance and light.” (Holy Quran 5:46)

  • He says about the Quran: “It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the religion of truth.” (Holy Quran 9:33)

The true religion is the one that includes guidance to the Law of Allah, gives peace and tranquility to the mind, protects it from all insinuations, answers all its questions, and resolves every problem.

The eighth criterion is that it should call to noble characters and deeds like truthfulness, honesty, modesty, chastity, and generosity. It should also prohibit bad conduct like disobedience to parents, killing innocent souls, all kinds of immoralities, lies, injustice, aggression, stinginess, and sins.

The ninth criterion is that it should be able to provide happiness for those who believe in it. Allah says: “We have not sent down the Quran unto you (O Muhammad) to cause you distress.” (Holy Quran 20:1-2)

It should also be in harmony with upright nature: “This is Allah’s nature upon which He has created mankind.” (Holy Quran 30:30)

It must also be in harmony with sound reason because the true religion is legislated by Allah, and the sound reason is created by Allah, and it is therefore impossible that the Law of Allah and the creatures of Allah should contradict each other.

The tenth criterion is that it should lead to the truth, warn against falsehood, keep people away from error,r and lead them to the Straight Path where there is no crookedness. Allah speaks about the jinn that when they heard the Quran being recited, some of them told others, “O our people! Verily! We have heard a book (the Quran) sent down after Musa, confirming what came before it: It guides to the truth and the Straight Path.” (Holy Quran 46:30)

It should not call to what will cause people misery, as Allah says about the Quran: “We have not sent down the Quran unto you to cause distress.” (Holy Quran 20:1-2)

True religion should also not enjoin on people what can cause them destruction. Allah says: “And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is the Most Merciful to you.” (Holy Quran 4:29)

It should also not distinguish between its adherents based on race, color, or clan. Allah says: “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who is most pious. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” (Holy Quran 49:13)


Therefore, the recognized criterion for giving people precedence in the true religion is piety. After mentioning the criteria for distinguishing between the true religion and the false ones and citing evidence from the Quran that these criteria are general in the case of all truthful Messengers sent by Allah, it is then appropriate to mention various types of religion. The upcoming blog will feature a discussion on that. Till then, stay tuned and stay blessed!

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